Remote Learning Workspaces

Student Workspaces Vary Depending on Remote Learning Status

Story by: Peyten Galloway

Some students from Humboldt High School started off their school year virtually then transferred back to in-person learning.All students were given the option during enrollment to either learn remotely or in-person. Currently, 27 percent are virtual and 73 percent are taking in-person classes. 

Sophomore Eli Works was one student that began remote than transferred in-person at semester. Works chose to do online the first semester because he and his family were worried about COVID exposure; he also wanted a change of pace and was interested to see what remote learning was like. He said the one thing he did not like about virtual learning was that it was difficult to hear teachers while on Zoom; this was one of the reasons he chose to transfer to in-person. 

“I missed my friends and felt that I would learn better in-person rather than through Zoom and my grades have shown that,” Works said. 

While Works was doing virtual learning, he had his own workspace for school in his home. His workspace consisted of an office space used for just school. The five main things that were a necessity for him to stay on track and complete his school work, they were: a laptop, earbuds, books, a planner and folders to stay organized. 

“I liked virtual because I knew it was more safe for me and my family,” Works said. “But it was hard for me to learn and focus so I decided to come back. I like it a lot more because I am able to socialize with my friends rather than just texting them.”

While his office space at home does not get utilized as often as it used to,Works still utilizes it sometimes when he has homework to complete or if he is quarantined.