High School
School Hours: 7:55am-3:25pm
Office Hours: 7:30am-4:00pm
Phone: (620) 473-2251
Fax: (620) 473-2086
Humboldt High School Demographics
Southeast Kansas High School located 40 miles from Missouri and 70 miles from Oklahoma
League Affiliation: Tri-Valley League
Kansas Classification: 3A
QPA Status: Fully Accredited
Mission Statement
"Humboldt High School is dedicated to providing all students the opportunity to develop the maximum academic, social, personal, and community skills necessary for productive living and successful integration into a technology-based society."
Students graduating from Humboldt High School will demonstrate the following:
Development of academic, vocational, and life skills.
A sense of responsibility to self, family, and community.
An awareness of the importance of becoming a lifelong learner.
Knowledge of and use of various technologies.
Awareness of daily efforts and organizational skills that affect success in today's job market.