Anti-Bullying Implementation Procedures


Any member of the school community, students, staff, parents, or other community members may make a complaint and report bullying or harassment behavior orally or in writing. Bullying or Harassment Incident Report Forms can be found in a school’s main office, and on the left under Bullying Report Form.

Any member of the school community who retaliates against another for reporting bullying or harassment, or who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or harassment will be subject to disciplinary action.  Incidents of retaliation will be treated very seriously and will be responded to promptly.

All individuals who are reported as aggressors, targets, witnesses, or are otherwise involved in a bullying incident will be afforded the same protection regardless of their legal status.


Investigations are coordinated by the building principal.

There are circumstances in which an incident is referred to the Superintendent of Schools.

  • When a parent, guardian, or student feels an incident was not resolved at the building level.

  • When an incident involves the principal or other building staff responsible for an investigation.

  • When a situation remains unresolved after an investigation and corrective action. Usually this would be two or more substantiated incidents involving a single individual or group.

  • Adult to adult bullying behavior.

Investigations are documented using the Bullying and Harassment Incident form.   These forms will be used to help determine whether or not bullying, harassment or retaliation occurred and will document the type of violation. The forms will document the investigators findings of the alleged incident.  Investigation of the complaint will be handled in a timely manner.  It is the districts intentions to have these reports concluded within 14 school days of the filing of the initial report. Most investigations will be concluded within 10 school days.

Take Action

If the complaint against the aggressor is substantiated the investigator’s report will:

  • Provide for reasonable, timely, and age-appropriate corrective action intended to stop the bullying or retaliation behavior and prevent its re-occurrence.

  • Document steps to protect the target and/or one who filed the complaint from retaliation.

  • Provide corrective action for anyone who knowingly makes a false report of bullying.

  • The building Principal will have an educational discussion with the aggressor and bystanders about the consequences of bullying behavior and the fact that everyone is now aware of the situation.  The building Principal will discuss the consequences if bullying behavior continues or if retaliation occurs.

In exceptional cases in which a formal investigation is not needed and immediate action is required, the building Principal may immediately inform targets, aggressors, and bystanders about the consequences of bullying or retaliation in school and immediately follow-through with consequences.


Following preliminary screening, parents/guardians of all students involved in an incident will be notified by the building Principal or their designee within one school day of the filing of a bullying, harassment, or retaliation report or complaint.

When criminal charges may be pursued against the aggressor, the local law enforcement agency must be notified by the building Principal.

When the incident involves students from more than one school or school district, the building Principal immediately notifies the principal of the other school so both schools can address the incident promptly.

The building Principal will notify the aggressor’s parents/guardians, in accordance with state and federal privacy laws, of disciplinary action taken.  Parents will be informed about the seriousness of retaliation.

The building Principal will notify the target’s parents/guardians, in accordance with state and federal privacy laws, that action has been taken to stop the bullying behavior, and prevent both re-occurrence and retaliation. Parents will be informed about the seriousness of retaliation and advised to report any retaliation incidents.

The building Principal will notify the individual who filed the complaint, in accordance with state and federal privacy laws, if he/she was not the target or parent/guardian, that his/her complaint has been investigated and action has been taken.  The individual will be informed about the seriousness of retaliation and advised to report any retaliation that occurs.